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The Bridge To The Economic Power of Tomorrow

The Greatest Economic Disruption

The biggest change to the economy happening today is not the Internet, the Metaverse or Crypto/Blockchain; metal, virtual currencies or online stores.

We are entering  a once in a century change in how banks and money work with new sources of wealth and credit. This is when lasting multigenerational fortunes are created. This is when reserve currencies are born.  


Much more than its financial technology, Qantara is a private-public partnership creating tomorrow's economic powers and reserve currencies.

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Future Economic Powers

Qantara is based on eight centuries of economic history that shows whenever two economic cycles merge the banking system changes so that fortunes are made  and global economic power shifts. We are entering this once in a century opportunity.


Qantara knows the technologies and partnerships needed to profit whenever this opportunity arises. While adding trillions of dollars to the economy, Qantara will change money,  banking  and global power.


Birger Jarlsgatan 57, Stockholm, Swede


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tondela & Vouzela, Portugal

+46 (0) 76 076 2162

+971 (0) 50 385 2171

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